Xela Awaits

Ready to visit Xela and want to know how to get here? Well you came to the right place! There are multiple transportation options that will take you from Guatemala City to Xela. Among these options are private taxis, first class buses (often referred to as Pullman buses), and chicken buses (renovated school buses, also known as camionetas). However, it is advised to avoid traveling on chicken buses to and from Guatemala City. The trade off between price and quality is rarely worth it, and there are legitimate safety concerns with this method of transportation in the capital. You will have plenty of chances to experience “camionetas” during your time in other parts of Guatemala (including Xela), so don’t worry!


we recommend

Xela Vida recommends taking a first class bus from Guatemala City. These buses are older buses, similar to Greyhound buses in the United States. They offer great value due to their reasonable price, level of comfort, reliable time schedules, and direct routes. The two companies that are most often recommended are Alamo and Linea Dorada. Taxis will be available outside of the airport to take you to the bus station.


airport arrivals

Depending on when your flight lands, you can either immediately head to Xela or spend the night and leave early the next day. It is recommended to arrive in Guatemala City early in the day, preferably before 1pm. This gives you time to collect your bags, pass through customs, and arrange a taxi to take you to the bus station before the 3pm departure times. It takes approximately 4 hours to get to Xela from GC. You should avoid traveling at night in Guatemala due to safety concerns. If your flight is scheduled to land later in the day, then it is best to arrange accommodation near the airport. After spending the night in the capital you will be ready to leave early the next day to begin your trip to Xela!

As you leave the airport, it is important to remember a few things. There is an ATM in the airport on your way to baggage claim. It is best to withdraw a small amount of quetzales to cover your taxi, bus fare, accommodation, food, and any other small expenses you will encounter on your way to Xela (200-500Q). Bringing a small amount of US dollars (or your home currency) is another good idea in case you have any issues with ATM’s. You will find places to exchange USD for Quetzales, but don’t rely on this as the exchange rates for these transactions are unfavorable. Try not to carry too much with you and be discreet with valuable items when in public. Like anywhere else, It is important to always be aware of your surroundings and avoid attracting unnecessary attention to yourself while in Guatemala, especially in the capital. The baggage claim ticket you received when you checked your bags at your departure point is needed to claim your bags in Guatemala. Keep track of your belongings as you exit the airport. You are best off handling your own bags, however if you allow someone to help you make sure they are working for the airport. These people can help load your bags into the taxi as well. Please remember to tip them if you accept their assistance.


Getting to hotels & bus stations

Taking a taxi to your hotel or the bus station is fairly straightforward. Once you exit the airport, you will see a pick-up area. Crossing the first group of traffic lanes brings you to the median. On the far side is the taxi line. Make sure you know the name of your hotel or the bus station you would like to go to and have the address and phone number written down in case of any issues. If you are going to a hotel say, “Al hotel” (To the hotel), and the name of the place you are staying. If you are going directly to the bus station, say “A la estación de autobús” (To the bus station) and then the name of the bus operator (Alamo, Linea Dorada, or other). Add “Por favor” (please) at the end to be polite. It is important that you agree on a price before getting in the taxi to avoid being overcharged. A common price for a ride to anywhere in Zona 1 is between 60-80Q. You can ask the driver “How much?” by asking, “¿Cuánto cuesta?”


bus tickets

When using the first class buses it is not usually necessary to have tickets ahead of time. Arriving an hour or two early usually guarantees that a ticket will be available. If you have other bookings that require arriving at a certain time, then plan accordingly. If you wish to check on availability or book tickets ahead of time then we recommend calling the bus stations. This is also a useful way to double check that the bus schedules are up to date. Due to various reasons, certain times may not be available and the web sites are not always updated. For this reason, we can’t guarantee that these times are available year round. The buses departing at 3pm seem to be the most consistently available and work well with the majority of airport arrival times. Additionally, for Alamo the 3pm is a direct line to Xela and is Xela Vida’s recommended option. The trip takes approximately four hours and costs around 75 Quetzales. Note: Sundays usually have slightly different schedules.


Alamo - Guatemala City
12a av. A 0-65 zona 7

Tel: (502) 2472-2355

Guatemala City to Quetzaltenango
6:15 AM, 8:00 AM, 10:30 AM12:30 PM, 3:00 PM

Alamo – Quetzaltenango
6ta Calle 12-14 Zona 3
Tel: (502) 7763-5044

Quetzaltenango to Guatemala City
4:30 AM, 6:30 AM, 8:00 AM, 10:15 AM, 12:45 PM, 2:30 PM

Linea dorada

Linea Dorada - Guatemala City
16 Calle 10-03 Zona 1

Tel: (502) 2415-8900

Guatemala City to Quetzaltenango
7:00 AM, 3:00 PM

Linea Dorada - Quetzaltenango
5 Calle 12-44 Zona 3
Tel: (502) 7767-5198

Quetzaltenango to Guatemala City
4:30 AM, 3:30 PM

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